Zectia International Realty is a bold project of few enthusiastic and passionate real estate professionals with a good heart, honesty and tremendous work ethic. A combination of our valued contacts and partner network worldwide with our endless passion towards serving a satisfied customer and selling luxury (beachfront) properties and a real estate industry resulted in launching a global agency in 2019 focusing on this particular segment.
We have a vast experience in real estate investments and sales and firmly believe in and literally live the importance of helping people make important life decisions finding their dream homes. We absolutely breathe, live and love our work and take it very seriously while we still enjoy the process tremendously.
We aim to create long lasting relationships and memories with our beloved clients.
Velká Británie
71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden
London, WC2H 9JQ
United Kingdom
Česká republika
Vackova 1729/75
612 00 Brno
Czech Republic
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Your capital is at risk. Property values may decline and the property might not be able to be rented at amounts sufficient to cover debt interest costs, operating expenses and liabilities, and might not result in a positive cash flow. Property is an illiquid asset and should not be viewed as a short-term investment.
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